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Black Copper Marans

NPIP #1370

Black Copper Marans

Marans (the name is always spelled with the ‘s’ whether talking about a single bird or many birds) are fine dual-purpose chickens from France. Marans lay an egg that has a shell the color of dark chocolate; so dark that at times it borders on being black. And when cracked open, the yolk of free-range birds is bright orange, bursting with vitamins, protein and fats from its healthy lifestyle.


The egg color

 To give you a better sense of this, pictured in this gallery are egg pictures from our farm, chicks and birds we have on site. I individually bubble wrap each hatching egg, and usually try to double box eggs.


What to look for?

The Black Copper Marans, the most common color variation, are almost all black, with a touch of gold on their necks, and lightly feathered shanks and toes. They have a bright red single comb and red to orange eyes. This variety lays the darkest of the dark brown eggs.



Did you know males have a 5 point comb?

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